They are, however, in no sense evangelicals in the Western sense; for they observe rigorous fasts, reverence icons, and believe implicitly in the efficacy of the multiplication of crossings, bowings and prostrations. [Please select]
The great cabin was hers, and the poop deck; we made for her a fantastic state with doffing of hats and bowings and backward steps. [Please select]
The male or two males will alight on a limb in front of the female, and go through with a series of bowings and scrapings that are truly comical. [Please select]
He sat down a made man, amid pleasant laughter and bowings and lifting of glasses, the length of the long table. [Please select]
Cæsar stood like a strong man amidst their moans and groans, their bowings of the head and clappings of the hands, and, when he heard the farmer, his look was severe. [Please select]
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