Sentence example with the word 'boundlessness'


Definition n. the quality of being infinite

Last update: July 2, 2015


In this boundlessness He could not be comprehended by the intellect or described in words, and as such the En Soph was in a certain sense Ayin, nonexistent (Zohar, iii.   [Please select]


It was chiefly three modern ideas which led the Cusan on from dualism to pantheism--the boundlessness of the universe, the connection of all being, and the all-comprehensive richness of individuality.   [Please select]


In the identification of space and matter the former receives fullness from the latter, and the latter unlimitedness from the former, both internal unlimitedness (endless divisibility) and external (boundlessness).   [Please select]


The fields of benevolence and love extend far beyond; and when economy has adjusted its balance, the mind begins to benefit by its own justice, and the heart expands in the boundlessness of its affection.   [Please select]

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boundlessly - boundlessness - bounds