Sentence example with the word 'bottommost'


Definition adj. farthest down

Last update: July 9, 2015


True to his word, they drove less than two blocks before he entered a public parking garage and drove to the bottommost floor and parked in a dark corner with yellow no- parking lines.   [Please select]


He calls the bottommost point 6 o'clock and the topmost, 12.'   [Please select]


11 the bottommost y-axis label in the scale of gms.   [Please select]


The minister soon turned the course of his sermon to the one topic that was uppermost and bottommost in the minds of all.   [Please select]


For three and a half hours we paced back and forth over that windy moor and discussed ourselves to the bottommost recesses of our beings.   [Please select]

Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!

bottomless - bottommost - bottoms