Sentence example with the word 'botanizing'


Last update: June 29, 2015


So they left the car, and under Linda's direction they reconstructed the old fireplace at which the girl and her father had cooked when botanizing in Multiflores.   [Please select]


Planting led her to botanizing.   [Please select]


A tin box, an ordinary botanizing-case, serves to convey the prisoners, each in her separate paper bag.   [Please select]


Only once in the course of my long botanizing-expeditions across the department have I come upon this plant.   [Please select]


One day, then, in July, in the cool stillness of the dawn, I was botanizing on the foreshore at Cette.   [Please select]


One, the larger, is allotted to mathematics, the foundation of my academical future, as planned by myself; the other is spent, with much misgiving, in botanizing and looking for the treasures of the sea.   [Please select]

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botanizes - botanizing - botany