Sentence example with the word 'bonhomie'


affability, ardency, friendliness, geniality, good disposition, good nature, goodnaturedness, graciousness, hospitableness, lenity, mildness, open door, receptiveness, warmheartedness, warmth

Definition n. a disposition to be friendly and approachable

Last update: November 21, 2016


The expression on the face of his guide was free from anything but bonhomie.   [noun]


It is not too much to say that his imperturbable equanimity, his serene bonhomie kept the host together.   [noun]


He went forward with a cheerful, if ponderous bonhomie.   [Please select]


As minister of foreign affairs he was useful to Ismail, who used Sherif's bluff bonhomie to veil many of his most insidious proposals.   [noun]


As minister of foreign affairs he was useful to Ismail, who used Sherif's bluff bonhomie to veil many of his most insidious proposals.   [Please select]


It may have been but pretence, this smiling bonhomie of Monsieur's.'   [Please select]


But he did his best to hide these obvious disadvantages by a Falstaffian bonhomie,--for Mr.   [Please select]


The impression produced by the size of his extremities, and by his flapping and wide-projecting ears, may be removed by the appearance of kindliness, sagacity, and awkward bonhomie of his face.   [Please select]


He combines what we are pleased to call our national dignity and self-respect with the elegant manners, and fraternal warmth, and bonhomie--as they themselves express it--of our friends across the water.   [Please select]

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