Sentence example with the word 'boatswains'


Last update: September 18, 2015


Swift of flight, powerfully armed, but above all endowed with extraordinary courage, they pursue their weaker cousins, making the latter disgorge their already swallowed prey, which is nimbly caught before it reaches the water; and this habit, often observed by sailors and fishermen, has made these predatory, and parasitic birds locally known as "Teasers," "Boatswains," 2 and, from a misconception of their 1 Thus written by Hoier (circa 1604) as that of a Faeroese bird (hodie Skuir) an example of which he sent to Clusius (Exotic. Auctarium, p. 367).   [Please select]


The boatswains' whistles trilled through the ship, pikes were seized, and pistol and cutlass buckled on.   [Please select]


Neither may they imitate smiths or other artificers, or oarsmen, or boatswains, or the like.   [Please select]


And between the two lines of rowers ran the bridge, and on it stood two boatswains (_comiti_) armed with long whips, which they laid on to the bare backs of the rowers with merciless severity.   [Please select]


Up and down the gangway paced Larocque and Vigitello, two renegade boatswains, one French and the other Italian, who had sailed with him on every voyage for the past two years.   [Please select]

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boatswain - boatswains - boatyards