Sentence example with the word 'blustered'


Last update: September 23, 2015


But perhaps the most singular scene is the council of three great ladies presided over by Servilia at Antium, which decides the movements of Brutus and Cassius in June 44 B.C., when Cassius " looking very fierce - you would say that he was breathing fire and sword " - blustered concerning what he considered an insult, viz.   [Please select]


"This way," blustered Marjorie, heading for the kitchen quarter.   [Please select]


Several times he drew himself up, swelled out his breast, and blustered before the glass.   [Please select]


"Of course I think she's right," Hutchinson blustered, "and it isn't the first time either."   [Please select]


"Of course you won't get out of this nest until you are pushed out," blustered St.   [Please select]


She could tell when she was well advised, and although she fumed and blustered, she yielded.   [Please select]


Carson now blustered up to Sandy and pointed an accusing finger into the lad's face.   [Please select]


"It was Bert Bobbsey's fault," blustered Danny, wiping his bleeding nose on his sleeve.   [Please select]


The Major blustered about for a few moments and then set forth on his mission in the canoe in which the party had landed.   [Please select]


He's smart enough to know it would hit me a darn sight harder to have you lose your job than to lose my own," blustered her brother wrathfully."   [Please select]

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bluster - blustered - blusterer