Sentence example with the word 'blistered'


adust, blebby, bubbly, burnt, consumed, fizzy, puffed, seared, sparkling, vesicated

Last update: September 24, 2015


These, being no longer stoved in an inverted position, as had been the habit before Shirozaemons time, were not disfigured by the bare, blistered lips of their predecessors.   [Please select]


There was no wind and the sand blistered his feet through his boots.   [Please select]


The earth almost blistered the foot that stood upon it.   [Please select]


Their skins were always very sensitive, and the heat of the sun blistered them very much.   [Please select]


The cool mixture went caressingly down his blistered throat.   [Please select]


He had been an animal blistered and sweating in the heat and pain of war.   [Please select]


His Riviera episode had left his vanity blistered and requiring some soothing application.   [Please select]


To save me from such a fate my uncle had nearly blistered me with his slipper.   [Please select]


The gloomy, ghost-like trees, that had flitted past him on the road to Doonha, crawled past him now--slowly and more slowly as his tired feet blistered in his boots.   [Please select]


Clothes he must have, for he could not go naked without getting his skin blistered by the hot sun, and he was afraid of getting a sunstroke if he went about without a hat.   [Please select]

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blister - blistered - blistering