Sentence example with the word 'bitting'


Last update: October 23, 2015


" Bitting " or " mouthing," or the familiarizing of an animal to the bit in his mouth, and to answer to the rein without bending his neck, is still a necessity with the galvayning method of breaking.   [Please select]


Hard-mouthed horses, when accompanied with great spirit, are objectionable, as they require peculiar bitting and the utmost vigilance.   [Please select]


Well what makes you so sure about it sneered the other bitting his lip so savageley that the blood ran.   [Please select]


Still no suspicion of the truth reached me that since I came to live with him my uncle had been bitting and breaking his tongue.   [Please select]


I have not seen a dozen coachmen, private or public, to whom my youngest child could not have given invaluable suggestions as to the bitting, harnessing, and handling of his cattle.   [Please select]

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bittersweet - bitting - bittock