Sentence example with the word 'bigarade'


Definition n. any of various common orange trees yielding sour or bitter fruit

Last update: September 25, 2015


_Neroli Bigarade oil_, distilled from the fresh blossoms of the bitter orange, Citrus bigaradia.   [Please select]


Naphthol soap, 89 Neroli Bigarade oil, 103 ---- oil (artificial), 109 Neutralising free caustic in soap, 66, 80 Niam fat, 34 Nigre, 56 Nigres, Utilisation of, 56 Niobe oil or ethyl benzoate, 110 Nitrobenzene, 109 O.   [Please select]


The "petale" and "bigarade" neroli are used to an enormous extent in the manufacture of eau de Cologne and other handkerchief perfumes.   [Please select]

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