Sentence example with the word 'bibbed'


Definition adj. having a bib

Last update: June 29, 2015


One of XXII 4 a the most characteristic anatomical distinctions between the porpoise and other members of the Delphinidae is the form of the teeth (numbering twenty-three to twenty-six on each side of each jaw), which have expanded, flattened, spade-like crowns, with more or less marked vertical grooves, giving a tendency to a bibbed or often trilobed form (fig.   [Please select]


A wholesome, blue-gowned rock with a neat, full-bibbed white apron; that's what she was.   [Please select]


I was in the black dress with the white-bibbed apron, and I looked up at him still dazed by the shine of that diamond and my longing for it.   [Please select]

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bibasic - bibbed - bibber