Sentence example with the word 'bespeaks'


Last update: June 22, 2015


The author bespeaks the favour of those to whom he addresses himself in the following significant terms: - " Neither shall I affright you with hedging, ditching, marling, chalking, paring and burning, draining, watering and such like, which are all very good improvements indeed, and very agreeable with the soil and situation of East Lothian, but I know ye cannot bear as yet a crowd of improvements, this being only intended to initiate you in the true method and principles of husbandry."   [Please select]


SHAKESPEARE: (In dignified ventriloquy) 'Tis the loud laugh bespeaks the vacant mind.'   [Please select]


Not dungeon now, but this room Governor bespeaks for gentlemen from France.   [Please select]


To dream of an inquisition, bespeaks for you an endless round of trouble and great disappointment.   [Please select]


"Why, Jan," he expostulated, "this is no way to carry on when a likely young officer bespeaks ye in marriage."   [Please select]


Though his figure bespeaks youth--and by his own account his age does not exceed thirty--yet the snows of eighty winters could not have whitened his locks more completely than they are.   [Please select]

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bespeaking - bespeaks - bespectacled