Sentence example with the word 'berretta'


Definition n. a stiff cap with ridges across the crown

Last update: August 28, 2015


26 the Edelweiss made a great attempt to capture Col della Berretta, but were repulsed, and a pause followed.   [Please select]


Then there was much champagne and a concert and Cecil and I sat with the Captain, the Bishop, in his robes and berretta and the two inspectors and they were very charming to both of us.   [Please select]


Taluno ebbe paura che la scienza colle sue progressive scoperte giungesse a leggere i pensieri attraverso le pareti del cranio, e pensava giĆ  d'inventare una berretta impermeabile agli sguardi scientifici e di ottenerne il brevetto.'   [Please select]

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bernicle - berretta - berried