Sentence example with the word 'bellman'


Definition n. someone employed as an errand boy and luggage carrier around hotels

Last update: June 11, 2015


Bellman, and west of this, occupying one side of a square, is the central railway station.   [Please select]


Betty Bellman was with him, in a red and white dress and a large red hat.   [Please select]


"I'll never forget winging that submarine of Captain Bellman's," put in Billy.'   [Please select]


So the Bellman would cry: and the crew would reply "They are merely conventional signs."   [Please select]


Fit the fourth THE HUNTING The Bellman looked huffish, and wrinkled his brow.   [Please select]


And the Bellman, sagaciously nodding his head, Said "That must depend on the weather."   [Please select]


") "As the Bellman would tell you," he added with pride, "I have uttered that sentiment once.   [Please select]


Rule 42 of the Code, "No one shall speak to the Man at the Helm," had been completed by the Bellman himself with the words "and the Man at the Helm shall speak to no one."   [Please select]


There was also a Beaver, that paced on the deck, Or would sit making lace in the bow: And had often (the Bellman said) saved them from wreck, Though none of the sailors knew how.   [Please select]

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belling - bellman - bellow