Sentence example with the word 'beholder'


Definition n. a person who becomes aware

Last update: June 17, 2015


Go and gaze upon all the paintings of Europe, and where will you find such a gallery of living and breathing commotion on canvas, as in that triumphal hall at Versailles; where the beholder fights his way, pell-mell, through the consecutive great battles of France; where every sword seems a flash of the Northern Lights, and the successive armed kings and Emperors dash by, like a charge of crowned centaurs?   [Please select]


Her bloodshot eyes and fiendish countenance paralyzed the beholder, and her touch turned him to stone.   [Please select]


It is the delight of vulgar talent to dazzle and to bind the beholder.   [Please select]


Ringlets mingle--silence--broken (All unconscious of beholder) By a kiss.   [Please select]


There appeared to be something in his appearance which riveted the attention of the beholder.   [Please select]


On the other side of the flag, hidden from the beholder, are a series of names.   [Please select]


Both orders built many castles in Syria, the remains of which still impress the beholder.   [Please select]

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beholden - beholder - beholders