Sentence example with the word 'befits'


Last update: July 25, 2015


The minor characters of the honest old Huntley, whom the Scottish king obliges to bestow his daughter's hand upon Warbeck, and of her lover the faithful "Dalyell," are most effectively drawn; even "the men of judgment," the adventurers who surround the chief adventurer, are spirited sketches, and the Irishman among them has actually some humour; while the style of the play is, as befits a "Chronicle History," so clear and straightforward as to make it easy as well as interesting to read.   [Please select]


"Ay," assented McClave, "and, as befits my calling, properly combining them with religion."   [Please select]


Deign to follow me, and you shall be treated as befits your rank.   [Please select]


Then he might have remained in the obscurity which befits him.   [Please select]


Ye maun gae post-chaise to London, as befits yere station.   [Please select]


"He is virtuous and generous, as befits a man so honored in your Grace's thoughts."   [Please select]

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befit - befits - befitted