advance, agree with, be bound, be obliged, become, behoove, beseem, fill the bill, forward, not come amiss, profit, serve, work
Definitionv. accord or comport with
Last update: October 4, 2015
The beauty crown befits her. [Please select]
In material prosperity the progress of the island from 1902 to 1906 was very great; but in its politics, various social and economic elements, and political habits and examples of Spanish provenience that ill befit a democracy, led once more to revolution. [Please select]
Yet, as befitted a person in his position, he had a splendid set of nerves. [Please select]
I strove to conduct myself as befitted a Fellow Citizen. [Please select]
Billy looked superior, as befitted a man who dealt in subtler matters than mere politics. [Please select]
But the face might well have befitted one of those iron-hearted men. [Please select]
It was a simple and informal dance, as befitted the ages of the guests, but Mr. [Please select]
In the meantime Goldborough was kept at Winchester, and brought up as befitted a king's daughter. [Please select]
The city had numerous temples and public buildings, such as befitted the Roman capital of Britain. [Please select]
The state-room was spacious, as befitted that of a commander. [Please select]
Harek who, as befitted a scald, was a good leech, said that the jarl knew almost as much of the craft as he. [Please select]
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