And His will is governed only by infinite love for us, and so whatever befalls us is for our good. [Please select]
If a like fate befalls me, the blame of that will be on your head also. [Please select]
Whatever befalls the Englishmen, Ravoninohitriniony and I will help and pray for them. [Please select]
If at any time harm befalls Monsieur Dampierre I will stab you with my own hand. [Please select]
"Oh, no; I wouldn't do that unless the worst befalls," his father replied kindly. [Please select]
It is my will that no harm befalls her. [Please select]
It has been good for Thora that she did so, whatever befalls. [Please select]
"Then keep her with you," said Tarzan, "and see that no harm befalls her." [Please select]
I hate seeing you here," he said passionately, "but it is better than being executed at once, which is the lot that generally befalls the chief of captives taken in war. [Please select]
Whate'er befalls this bird of mine, I am resolved 'twill please-- Far be it from me to repine At what the Lord decrees. [Please select]
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