Sentence example with the word 'bathtub'


aquamanile, bath, dishwasher, kitchen sink, piscina, shower curtain, shower stall, tub, washbasin, washer, washpot

Definition n. a relatively large open container that you fill with water and use to wash the body

Last update: October 4, 2015


The bathtub should also be scrubbed with sapolio, and the floor washed.   [Please select]


"It is the lack of a proper bathtub that makes this camping business truly awful."   [Please select]


It will fit the hole of any sink or bathtub.   [Please select]


She was one of those girls who always look as though they had not been long out of a bathtub.   [Please select]


The palace had been properly drained and the houses had been provided with stoves and the Cnossians had been the first people to make a daily use of the hitherto unknown bathtub.   [Please select]

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baths - bathtub - bathtubs