Sentence example with the word 'bathos'


anticlimax, comedown, heaviness, heavyheartedness, mush, namby-pambyism, nostomania, pathos, sadness, sentimentality, slush, sweetness and light

Definition n. triteness or triviality of style

Last update: August 31, 2015


It is bathos on the top of the superb.   [Please select]


Though Wagner cannot as yet be confidently credited with a satiric intention in his bathos, the fact remains that all the Rossinian passages are associated with the character of Daland, so as to express his vulgar delight at the prospect of finding a rich son-in-law in the mysterious Dutch seaman.   [noun]


In the Bathos he was classed with the parrots and the tortoises.   [noun]


INTENTIONAL BATHOS has a humorous incongruity and abruptness that is sometimes forcible.   [Please select]


But it is hard to take seriously a delegate who asked permission "to make a short apostrophe to liberty," and then delivered himself of this bathos: "O liberty."   [Please select]


It was silly, sentimental, schoolboyish--what you please; but every man's first declaration of love is bathos--the zenith of his passion connoting perhaps the nadir of his intelligence.   [Please select]

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