Sentence example with the word 'barbate'


Definition adj. having hair on the cheeks and chin

Last update: October 18, 2015


Alcala de los Gazules (8877), on the river Barbate, in the province of Cadiz, has a thriving trade in cork and agricultural produce.   [Please select]


Barbate: furnished with barbs; hair with spines or spurs directed backward.   [Please select]


Brush-like: antennae with the joints laterally produced and tufted with short hair or bristles: see barbated.   [Please select]


Barbated: bearded; in antennae with tufts or fascicles of hair or short bristles on each side of each joint; = brush-like: on the abdomen, with flat tufts at the sides or tip.   [Please select]

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barbarousness - barbate - barbe