Sentence example with the word 'bankrupted'


Last update: July 25, 2015


If he hadn't run out of whitewash, he would have bankrupted every boy in the village.   [Please select]


This Legislature has stolen millions of dollars, and already bankrupted the treasury.   [Please select]


The Iowa harvester factory failed in 1875 and bankrupted the state Grange.   [Please select]


1830 had bankrupted the people.   [Please select]


As we hurried along homeward, Rectus said: "If one of those Indians had kept us up there, while the other one ran into the barracks and got a fresh stock of sea-beans, they would have just bankrupted us."   [Please select]


For twenty-five years old Antanas Rudkus and his son had dwelt in the forest together, and it was hard to part in this way; perhaps it was just as well that Jurgis had to give all his attention to the task of having a funeral without being bankrupted, and so had no time to indulge in memories and grief.   [Please select]

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bankruptcy - bankrupted - bankrupting