Sentence example with the word 'baled'


Last update: August 17, 2015


Vast areas of land have been ploughed and sown with lucerne (alfalfa); magnificent permanent pasturage has been created where there were coarse and hard grasses in former days, and Argentina has been able to add baled hay to her list of exports.   [Please select]


Those on board baled and pumped without intermission; the cadets and passengers struggling with the rest.   [Please select]


In haying season we baled the hay and hauled it to that hay barn.   [Please select]


It was pretty well baled but that dont matter.   [Please select]


As the boiling oil rose it was baled into copper cooling-tanks.   [Please select]


She was fleet, and eluded him down the lane, across the cut field, to a huge square stack of baled alfalfa.   [Please select]


We emptied the basins out of the window as fast as they filled, and we baled the bath with a jug without pausing to complain how hard the work was.   [Please select]

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baldy - baled - baleen