Sentence example with the word 'baits'


Last update: September 26, 2015


The sovereigns of Sardinia, Naples, Portugal and Spain were dethroned, the pope was driven from Rome, the Rhine Confederation was extended till France obtained a footing on the Baltic, the grand-duchy of Warsaw was reorganized and strengthened, the promised evacuation of Prussia was indefinitely postponed, an armistice between Russia and Turkey was negotiated by French diplomacy in such a way that the Russian troops should evacuate the Danubian principalities, which Alexander intended to annex to his empire, and the scheme for breaking up the Ottoman empire and ruining England by the conquest of India, which had been one of the most attractive baits in the Tilsit negotiations, but which had not been formulated in the treaty, was no longer spoken of.   [Please select]


--Barrel trap: 1, With stiff paper cover; 2, with hinged barrel cover; _a_, stop; _b_, baits.   [Please select]


Baits and traps should be handled as little as possible.   [Please select]


The effectiveness of the traps will depend on the selection of baits.   [Please select]


He settles on the back, legs, and snouts of these living baits.   [Please select]


That was one of the baits with which she was fond of hooking young people.   [Please select]


He visited five traps before dark, and ate the five baits without springing a pan.   [Please select]


It baits cock-fightin' intirely.'   [Please select]


From that day forward he had scrutinized all unfamiliar baits or lures to see if they carried any threadlike attachment.   [Please select]


He is very clever and, like his cousin, Glutton the Wolverine, makes no end of trouble for trappers by stealing the baits from their traps.   [Please select]

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baiting - baits - baize