Sentence example with the word 'bacteriology'


aerobiology, astrobiology, biochemy, biology, bionics, botany, cybernetics, electrobiology, ethnobiology, gnotobiotics, molecular biology, radiobiology, xenobiology

Definition n. the branch of medical science that studies bacteria in relation to disease

Last update: October 26, 2015


The phenomenon of nitrification (see BACTERIOLOGY, AGRICULTURE and MANURE), i.e.   [Please select]


How some rodents contribute to the science of medicine, more especially to bacteriology.   [Please select]


It laid the foundations of the science of "bacteriology" which in the last forty years has delivered the world from a great number of diseases by discovering the tiny organisms which cause the complaint.   [Please select]


, =Gelatine=: General Characters, Liquid Gelatine, Photographic Uses, Size, Tanno-, Chrome and Formo-Gelatine, Artificial Silk, Cements, Pneumatic Tyres, Culinary, Meat Extracts, Isinglass, Medicinal and other Uses, Bacteriology.   [Please select]

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bacteriologists - bacteriology - bacterium