Sentence example with the word 'bacteriologist'


Definition n. a biologist who studies bacteria

Last update: October 30, 2015


To cite only one of these, there is Widal's agglutination test, by which the bacteriologist can usually make a diagnosis of typhoid fever far in advance of the time at which it could otherwise be distinguished.   [Please select]


The most reliable method of diagnosis is the examination of the blood and tissues for anthrax bacilli, which requires a trained bacteriologist.   [Please select]


Other means of diagnosis, which have reference to the specific bacilli, to the inoculable character of the virus upon small animals, and which are of decisive and final importance, can be utilized only by the trained bacteriologist and veterinarian.   [Please select]


Within a few hours the Red Cross had despatched eight workers--a doctor, nurse, bacteriologist, an administrative director and two women to take charge of the bedding, food and clothing.   [Please select]

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bacteriological - bacteriologist - bacteriologists