Sentence example with the word 'avoirdupois'


beef, deadweight, gravity, heaviness, heftiness, neat weight, net weight, overweight, ponderosity, poundage, underweight, weightiness

Definition n. a system of weights based on the 16-ounce pound

Last update: September 13, 2015


In some districts, especially in Yorkshire, the count is based on the number of yards per ounce, and in others the older method of drams avoirdupois per woo yard skein.   [Please select]


Passford," whispered Flint, when he realized that his avoirdupois was too much for the young officer."   [Please select]


It was as heavy metaphorically as it was in avoirdupois.   [Please select]


"I suppose this is all an alluvial soil, Brother Avoirdupois," said Dr.   [Please select]


But I am satisfied, and the commander may invite you to proceed," chuckled Brother Avoirdupois."   [Please select]


20 ---------+------+------+------+------+------+------+-----+------+------ AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT.   [Please select]


He coolly picked Lucinda up in his arms, as if she had been a child instead of a full grown woman of no mean avoirdupois, and began to wade with her through the water.   [Please select]


Even little Jan pulled with all his might--though a single pound avoirdupois weight would have been about the measure of _his_ strength.   [Please select]

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