Sentence example with the word 'avicular'


Last update: August 26, 2015


N T avicular and cuboid bones of tarsus distinct.   [Please select]


Not until I reached my room in Manitou could I fix the bird's place in the avicular system.   [Please select]


Might these hilltop eremites have committed some crime or some breach of decorum that effected their banishment from respectable avicular society.   [Please select]


Just as the movements of the human lips have much to do with the modifications of the human voice, so the opening and closing of the bird's mandibles exercise a modifying influence upon avicular tones.   [Please select]


The wings are highly specialized members of the avicular organism, and hence differ in many important respects from the fore or pectoral limbs of the mammals.   [Please select]


Even in this day of scientific research and astuteness, it must not be supposed that everything about the mechanics of avicular flight is understood.   [Please select]

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aviators - avicular - aviculture