Sentence example with the word 'autochthonous'


abecedarian, beginning, endemic, homebred, inaugural, indigenous, introductory, original, pregnant, prime, pristine, ur

Definition adj. of rocks

Last update: October 11, 2015


The earliest inhabitants of Laconia, according to tradition, were the autochthonous Leleges.   [Please select]


_Smilisca_ is an excellent example of an Autochthonous Middle American genus.   [Please select]


Yet till lately the mill stood to prove if the narrator lied, and every circumstance of local particularity seemed to vouch for the autochthonous character of the myth.   [Please select]


The Kitan formed only a very thin stratum, and the real power was in the hands of autochthonous Turkish tribes, to whom the Kitan soon became entirely assimilated in culture.   [Please select]

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autochthones - autochthonous - autoclave