It.s my fault Toby was wandering around without someone watching him, but really, Kris, who assigns a woman an Immortal kid that.s not even her own and expects her to know what to do with it? [Please select]
Frothingham assigns the origin of the Christian religion as it was known in the second century. [Please select]
'You, and your heirs and assigns, for ever,' as the rascals say. [Please select]
These are not the shores that Apollo assigns you, nor may Crete be your abiding place. [Please select]
To Thucydides, as an historian, the modern world also assigns a proud pre-eminence. [Please select]
” Newcomb questions the totality of this eclipse, but assigns no clear reasons for his doubts. [Please select]
The school often assigns practice work to be done at home in reading, writing, arithmetic. [Please select]
Harrod in _Norfolk Archæology_, IV, 248, assigns this to 1597, but it is probably a mistake. [Please select]
Durantus, however, assigns a different origin. [Please select]
There is not in this arrangement any thing necessarily invidious to those to whom it assigns the lower degrees of influence. [Please select]
Men who keep or who handle dangerous animals owe it to themselves, their heirs and their assigns to _know the animal mind and temperament, and to keep on the safe side. [Please select]
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