In Piedmont itself it was at first less successful; and Cavour, although he aspired ultimately to a united Italy with Rome as the capital,1 openly professed no ambition beyond the expulsion of Austria and the formation of a North Italian kingdom. [Please select]
But the worldly popes of the fifteenth century also aspired to be temporal princes. [Please select]
] He now reached the exalted height to which he had long aspired. [Please select]
And even the lieutenants of these viceroys frequently aspired to independence. [Please select]
Under the garb of a saint, he aspired to the tiara. [Please select]
Apart from his unpopularity, he was incompetent for the posts to which he aspired. [Please select]
None, as on former occasions, aspired to the honor of walking by their pastor's side. [Please select]
You see I might have aspired to become famous among safe-breakers. [Please select]
Proudhon aspired to be the third. [Please select]
Those who aspired to know the profoundest secrets, imposed upon themselves duties more severe than those required by any other class. [Please select]
And so long as he aspired to the hand of Mayenne's ward, so long was he helpless under Mayenne's will. [Please select]
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