('E7rch,utcov a Kai -y'); (5) On Regimen in Acute Diseases (IIEpi cairns o Ewv); (6) On Airs, Waters, and Places (IIEpi cthpwv, l'6aTwv, Kai rorrwv); (7) On the Articulations (IIEpi etpBpwv); (8) On Fractures (IIEpi by c&v); (9) The Instruments of Reduction (M0xXix6s); (Jo) The Physician's Establishment, or Surgery (Kar' i rpEiov); (II) On Injuries of the Head (IIEpi KE0aXij TpwpaTwv); (12) The Oath ("OpKoi); (13) The Law (Nopos). [Please select]
Basal articulations of the antennæ thickened at the end. [Please select]
_ Antennæ cylindrical, thickest near the middle, the terminal half subulate; articulations numerous, very short, hardly perceptible. [Please select]
He first made muscular articulations, indicated the veins, and gave natural folds to drapery. [Please select]
Anteroposterior sliding of the palate seems impossible in view of the firm palatoquadrate and quadrate-quadratojugal articulations. [Please select]
Black, very smooth and shining; the legs ferruginous, with the coxæ, articulations, and the tarsi black. [Please select]
Thorax transversely striated, the articulations of the legs and the tarsi ferruginous. [Please select]
These organs have the usual muscles well developed, and the usual articulations. [Please select]
Thorax: the tegulæ pale rufo-testaceous, wings hyaline, the nervures ferruginous; the metathorax coarsely rugose; the articulations of the legs and the tarsi ferruginous. [Please select]
The _male_ differs in having the legs black, their articulations only being ferruginous; the head entirely black with the face densely covered with silvery-white pile. [Please select]
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