Sentence example with the word 'arroyos'


Last update: August 3, 2015


This time they started out heading west, into a maze of arroyos and low brush.   [Please select]


It wound between low, brush-covered foothills, through arroyos and gullies lined with mesquite, cottonwood, and scrub-oak.   [Please select]


Here small ruts in the surface of the ground are rapidly converted into large arroyos.   [Please select]


They did not anticipate any great difficulty in regard to the water, as the winter season and the heavy rains had filled the dry creek beds, and had sent torrents down the arroyos.   [Please select]


Burleigh and Lowery (1942:198) wrote that the subspecies _obsoletus_ was "characteristically a bird of the arroyos of the arid plateau about Saltillo, where it was fairly common."   [Please select]

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