Sentence example with the word 'arrowy'


Last update: August 14, 2015


The city of Geneva is situated at the south-western extremity of the beautiful lake of the same name, whence the "arrowy Rhone" flows westwards under the seven bridges by which the two halves of the town communicate with each other.   [Please select]


Then followed another quick turn, and they were gliding with arrowy speed straight down stream.   [Please select]


They watched those arrowy trumpeters fading away to the south, and sought out higher perches to watch them farther yet, and from that time things were no more the same.   [Please select]


The Spaniards pushed steadily on through this arrowy sleet, though the barbarians, dashing their canoes against the sides of the causeway, clambered up and broke in upon their ranks.   [Please select]

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arrowwood - arrowy - arroyo