Sentence example with the word 'arraigns'


Last update: July 7, 2015


Of these, the fragmentary speech For Pherenicus belongs to 381 or 380 B.C., and is thus the latest known work of Lysias.2 In literary and historical interest, the first place among the extant speeches of Lysias belongs to that Against Eratosthenes (403 B.C.), one of the Thirty Tyrants, whom Lysias arraigns as the murderer of his brother Polemarchus.   [Please select]


Abruptly he was recalled to his position by the harsh voice of the clerk of arraigns.   [Please select]


QUESTIONS Is there not something in the pleading eye Of the poor brute that suffers, which arraigns The law that bids it suffer.   [Please select]


Then the Clerk of Arraigns was seen to be leaning forward, a hand to his ear, for the foreman's voice had broken with excitement.   [Please select]

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arraignments - arraigns - arrange