a propos, arrogate, convenient, encroach, good for, likely, of use, profitable, seize, tailored, worthwhile
Definitionadj. suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc
Last update: November 13, 2017
The alliance will be declared at an appropriate time. [verb]
To this end, the nearest appropriate approved abattoir is to be used. [adjective]
The appropriate standards must be rigorously adhered to in achieving the highest quality. [adjective]
Indeed, dearest, our whole method of feeding smacks of a vulgar brutishness, more appropriate to a company of Topinambous than to persons of quality. [adjective]
I am of an appropriate age, of good birth and good means, not under-educated, not brutish, or of repulsive face and figure. [adjective]
"Staggering" were a more appropriate epithet. [adjective]
--though dumosa is not the appropriate epithet--what the deil, man, tempted ye to the verge of the craig. [adjective]
You perceive the appropriate application to a consciousness of inward worth, and of eminence in a useful and honourable art. [adjective]
They began to appropriate one another's things without asking permission, while various articles disappeared from both houses and could not be found. [adjective]
I cannot close with the familiar 'Rejoice'--the 'Fresh Courage' placed on many a tombstone seems more appropriate. [adjective]
Doubtless there may be one or another which you could appropriate only by the aid of the imagination. [adjective]
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