Sentence example with the word 'antagonisms'


Last update: July 26, 2015


France in 178 9, though its ancient provincial boundaries survived, had long since been welded into a nation conscious of its common interests; Russia remains a vast empire, composed of the most heterogeneous, sometimes even mutually hostile, elements., whose antagonisms were bound to be an element of weakness in any assembly truly representative of all sections of the people.   [Please select]


In 1860, then, the causes of governmental antagonisms were seemingly all at an end.   [Please select]


Cincinnati inherited from the Civil War the domestic excitements and political antagonisms of a border city.   [Please select]


Temperamental antagonisms may be suffered, but like feuds of emperors, who fight dignifiedly across kingdoms.   [Please select]


Great forces and fierce antagonisms seemed to be moving, obscurely, about the royal cradle.   [Please select]


And, to her surprise, where she had dreaded antagonisms, she discovered only sympathies.   [Please select]


He has also pointed out that such peoples are, one and all, free from inter-tribal antagonisms.   [Please select]


* * * * * But when Delafield appeared, Meredith's secret antagonisms were soon dissipated.   [Please select]


Many whose one thought previously had been the cause now spent time weighing the differences between the two organizations and between personalities, and antagonisms increased.   [Please select]


Unfamiliar with the personal antagonisms and the sincere differences in policy which had caused the separation after the Civil War, they did not understand the difficulties still in the way of union.   [Please select]

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antagonism - antagonisms - antagonist