Sentence example with the word 'antae'


Last update: October 6, 2015


The western or outer front is flanked on each side by a projecting wing, with a row of three smaller Doric columns between Antae at right angles to the main portico.   [Please select]


The main beams are those which are laid upon columns, pilasters, and antae; tie-beams and rafters are found in the framing.   [Please select]


If the temple is to be more than twenty feet in width, let two columns be placed between the two antae, to separate the pteroma from the pronaos.   [Please select]


The three intercolumniations between the antae and the columns should be closed by low walls made of marble or of joiner's work, with doors in them to afford passages into the pronaos.   [Please select]


If the width is to be more than forty feet, let columns be placed inside and opposite to the columns between the antae.   [Please select]


The walls of the cella itself should be thick in proportion to its size, provided that their antae are kept of the same thickness as the columns.   [Please select]


These return from the columns which stand third on the inner side to the antae which project from the pronaos, and which touch the edges of the hemicycle at right and left.   [Please select]


Antae, 114, 120, 186; temple in antis, 75.   [Please select]

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antacid - antae - antagonism