Sentence example with the word 'anathematized'


Last update: July 29, 2015


The sixth oecumenical synod decreed that the dead pope Honorius should be " cast out from the holy Catholic Church of God " and anathematized, a sentence approved by the reigning pope Leo II.   [Please select]


Kings have forbidden it; popes have anathematized it; and physicians have warned against it.   [Please select]


Everywhere Bonaparte was anathematized and in Moscow nothing but the coming war was talked of.   [Please select]


We ordered coffee, thick black stuff like treacle, which Peter anathematized.   [Please select]


He anathematized Phil's protector in his heart, and I am afraid it would have gone hard with her if he could have had his wishes fulfilled.   [Please select]


And while Marcel hung about, the smith, hammering out the delicate Lefort wrought-iron work so prized in New Orleans to-day, anathematized indiscriminately General Jackson, the Spaniards, the British and the Americans.   [Please select]

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anathematize - anathematized - anathematizes