Sentence example with the word 'analytics'


Last update: September 16, 2015


Accordingly Aquinas prepared himself on this side by commentaries on Aristotle's De Inter pretatione, on his Posterior Analytics, on the Metaphysics, the Physics, the De Anima, and on Aristotle's other psychological and physical writings, each commentary having for its aim to lay hold of the material and grasp the method contained and employed in each treatise.   [Please select]


Or "prove themselves good," as in the Prior Analytics, ii 25, [Greek: apanta pisteuomen k.   [Please select]


It is the opening statement of the Post Analytics.   [Please select]


She would have joyed to venture "Paracelsus" on him, and some lengthy rhymed discourses; and she fondly turned leaves and leaves of her pet doggerel analytics.   [Please select]

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analytically - analytics - analyzable