Sentence example with the word 'analytically'


Definition adv. by virtue of analysis

Last update: July 28, 2015


Failing analytically to probe its nature, historically we seek relief to our perplexities by tracing its origin..   [Please select]


It is not merely the duty of metaphysics to dissect, and thereby analytically to illustrate the conceptions which we form a priori of things; but we seek to widen the range of our a priori knowledge.   [Please select]


Our representations must be given previously to any analysis of them; and no conceptions can arise, quoad their content, analytically.   [Please select]


[*Footnote: Whether the representations are in themselves identical, and consequently whether one can be thought analytically by means of and through the other, is a question which we need not at present consider.   [Please select]


But this principle of pure reason is evidently synthetical; for, analytically, the conditioned certainly relates to some condition, but not to the unconditioned.   [Please select]


Having solved her riddle, King had leisure to be interested in her eyes, and watched them analytically, like a jeweler appraising diamonds.   [Please select]


Myth is the normal means of describing those forces of nature which we cannot measure or understand; if we could understand or measure them we should describe them prosaically and analytically, in what is called science.   [Please select]

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analytical - analytically - analytics