Sentence example with the word 'analysts'


Last update: October 29, 2015


In the next and last period the progress of pure mathematics has been dominated by the critical spirit introduced by the German mathematicians under the guidance of Weierstrass, though foreshadowed by earlier analysts, such as Abel.   [Please select]


I have exposed my whole life before those modern vivisectionists, the army of amateur psycho-analysts.   [Please select]


I have no wish to combat psychological theories of dreams, such as those of the psycho-analysts.   [Please select]


We also venture to hope that the work may prove useful to Works' Chemists and other Analysts consulted in connection with this Industry.   [Please select]


_--Some analysts determine the alkalinity to phenol-phthalein of the alcoholic soap solution without filtering, and express it as free alkali (caustic, carbonates, or any salt having an alkaline reaction).   [Please select]

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analyst - analysts - analytic