Sentence example with the word 'analysing'


Last update: September 20, 2015


The alteration that takes place in the regular diurnal inequality throughout the year is best seen by analysing it into a Fourier series of the type c 1 sin (t+ a l) +c2 sin (2t+ a 2)+c 3 sin (3t+a3)+c4 sin (4t+a 4)+..   [Please select]


Truxton was silent for a moment, analysing this unique remark.   [Please select]


"'Pears that way," said Anderson, slowly analysing the word.'   [Please select]


This influence he feels, and wishes to explain, by analysing and reducing it to its elements.   [Please select]


They are called 'analytic' because the predicate is obtained by merely analysing the subject.   [Please select]


, United States Minister at Vienna: letter of, analysing nature of the American constitution, i.   [Please select]


He would deliver a series of sermons analysing 'the six vices' by which 'great schools were corrupted, and changed from the likeness of God's temple to that of a den of thieves'.'   [Please select]


This impression was strengthened by the manner in which Bentham put into scientific form the application of the happiness principle to the morality of actions, by analysing the various classes and orders of their consequences.   [Please select]

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analyses - analysing - analysis