Sentence example with the word 'amplifier'


attenuator, beam-switching tube, detector, electronic hearing aid, hearing aid, local-oscillator tube, multiplier, output tube, preamp, receiving tube, speaking trumpet, trigger tube

Definition n. electronic equipment that increases strength of signals passing through it

Last update: October 28, 2015


The amplifier of this radio is not working.   [Please select]


Recordings were made by means of Magnemite portable tape recorders (Amplifier Corp.)   [Please select]


But a wireless instrument, on the contrary is spared nothing, having attached to it a detector that catches every sound and an amplifier that magnifies it and makes it discernible to our ears.   [Please select]


"It is only when the amplifier of the wireless magnifies the sounds that we realize how many of them our ears fail to hear."   [Please select]

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amplified - amplifier - amplifiers