Sentence example with the word 'ambushes'


Last update: November 1, 2015


But some of the most valuable products of the island, as camphor and rattan, are to be found in the upland forests, and the Chinese, whenever they ventured too far in search of these products, fell into ambushes of hill-men who neither gave nor sought quarter, and who regarded a Chinese skull as a specially attractive article of household furniture.   [Please select]


"Now we take up our work of looking out for ambushes again, Malcolm."   [Please select]


"You'll hev to look out fur traps, snares an' ambushes."   [Please select]


It also greatly facilitates ambushes, for one must keep to the paths, owing to the underbrush.   [Please select]


Then he walked on as directed, and heard men talking of Indian ambushes and troops.   [Please select]


"Maybe they know we're following 'em," said Ross; "an' for that reason they're turnin' into this rough country, which is just full of ambushes."'   [Please select]


I should advise you to be as careful as before, and to be on your guard against ambushes and surprises.   [Please select]

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ambushers - ambushes - ambushing