Sentence example with the word 'ambergris'


ambrosia, aromatic gum, attar, balm, bay oil, champaca oil, essence, extract, heliotrope, lavender oil, myrcia oil, parfum, perfumery, scent

Definition n. waxy substance secreted by the sperm whale and found floating at sea or washed ashore

Last update: October 18, 2015


Anbar, probably through the Spanish, but this word referred originally to ambergris, which is an animal substance quite distinct from yellow amber.   [Please select]


Ambergris is also produced from the body of the sperm whale.   [Please select]


[287] At times the natives have found large pieces of ambergris on the coasts.   [Please select]


A modern compiler, speaking of ambergris, says, "It smells like dried cow-dung."   [Please select]


Extract of ambergris, 1 " Essence of musk, 1/4 " Extract of vanilla, 2 ounces.   [Please select]


Ambergris is a secretion formed in the intestines of the sperm whale.   [Please select]


Most of the ambergris of commerce is obtained from the neighborhood of the Bahama Islands.   [Please select]


Then they built for Sohrab a tomb like to a horse's hoof, and Rustem laid him therein in a chamber of gold perfumed with ambergris.   [Please select]


On a throne, jewelled and overspread with silken stuffs, sat a girl the splendour of whose beauty lighted up the place, and whose ambergris and attar perfumed the whole air.   [Please select]

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amber - ambergris - amberoid