Sentence example with the word 'altercations'


Last update: August 30, 2015


In private life his gaiety, his buoyancy, his high breeding, made even his political opponents forget their differences; and even the warmest altercations on public affairs were merged in his large hospitality and cordial social relations.   [Please select]


"The people appear to be weary of their altercations with the mother country," Mr.   [Please select]


Whenever you take an oath in your dreams, prepare for dissension and altercations on waking.   [Please select]


To see others bearing swords, foretells that altercations will be attended with danger.   [Please select]


But the matter never comes to any issue, if trusted to the common method of altercations and debate and flying rumours; especially when men's passions have taken part on either side.   [Please select]


She declared in one of her altercations with her lord and master that she would lose her wits were they to remain another day, a threat that did not seem to move Grafton greatly.   [Please select]

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altercation - altercations - altered