Post- 1.0 [moby-thesaurus]: 51 Moby Thesaurus words for \"alleluia\": answer, antiphony, chant, chorus of cheers, hallelujah, hurrah, hymn, hymnography, mantra, offertory sentence, psalmody, response, versicle
Last update: October 25, 2015
We sang alleluia in our school. [Please select]
Here, as is supposed, the "Alleluia Victory" was gained over the Picts and Scots by Lupus and Germanus, bishop of Auxerre, according to some about A.D. [Please select]
And thus they detained him until a loud Alleluia, pealing through the deserted arches of St. [Please select]
THE VOICE OF ALL THE BLESSED: Alleluia, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. [Please select]
To the very end he is like one of the old martyrs, who sings Alleluia while the lions roar about him and his children in the arena. [Please select]
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