Sentence example with the word 'alleging'


Last update: October 18, 2015


From his Stoic teachers he learned to work hard, to deny himself, to avoid listening to slander, to endure misfortunes, never to deviate from his purpose, to be grave without affectation, delicate in correcting others, "not frequently to say to any one, nor to write in a letter, that I have no leisure," nor to excuse the neglect of duties by alleging urgent occupations.   [Please select]


Laura had left rather early, alleging neuralgia and a dinner engagement.   [Please select]


The Man refused it, alleging likewise that this was not his.   [Please select]


No, he does nothing; perhaps alleging the excuse of his relative weakness.   [Please select]


His comrade objected to it, alleging it would break, and proposed another.   [Please select]


He enclosed also an account of a "horrible military reprisal" by the Federals in Missouri alleging that _ten_ Southerners had been executed because of _one_ Northerner seized by Southern guerillas.   [Please select]

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allegiances - alleging - allegorical