Sentence example with the word 'aliment'


Definition n. a source of materials to nourish the body

Last update: June 27, 2015


We spend more on almost any article of bodily aliment or ailment than on our mental aliment.   [Please select]


But his natural and proper aliment is the grasses, grain, and roots.   [Please select]


Cook found no traces of aliment in the stomachs of those shot by his party.   [Please select]


This essay, and new aliment, seemed to have awakened in him his innate and destructive voracity, which, till then, had given way to the gentleness he had acquired from his education.   [Please select]


Its charm, I fancy, is greatest to those in whom the natural man, deprived in early life of his proper aliment, grows sickly and pale, and perishes at last of inanition.   [Please select]

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alike - aliment - alimentary